NKYC Token current market price is $26.58 with a 24 hour trading volume of $98,133. The total available supply of NKYC Token is 4,000.00K NKYC with a maximum supply of 21.00M NKYC. It has secured Rank 396 in the cryptocurrency market with a marketcap of $106.02M. The NKYC price is -0.2% down in the last 24 hours.
The lowest price of the NKYC Token is $25.97 & the highest price is $26.85 in the last 24 hours. Live NKYC Token prices from all markets and NKYC coin market Capitalization. Stay up to date with the latest NKYC Token price movements. Check our coin stats data and see when there is an opportunity to buy or sell NKYC Token at best price in the market.
$-0.05 -0.2%
$25.97 / $26.85
$106.02M -0.45%
4,000.00K NKYC
21.00M NKYC
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Pay trade fees with NonKYC Token (NKYC) on Nonkyc.io Exchange and get a 25% discount.Founded in 2023, NonKYC.io strives to provide its users with the best trading experience and give small and medium market cap assets a reliable trading hub. Our goal is to maintain a fast and user friendly system while also concentrating on security to keep users, data, and assets safe. Security of our users' data & assets is always our top priority and we are focused on building an easy to use digital asset trading platform for everyone to enjoy.The NonKYC platform system is NOT from some predesigned script package or preexisting codebase. It has been created from the ground up by professional developers who are well experienced in Cryptocurrency. NonKYC has been designed to scale horizontally as we grow to become a top tier exchange.