OpenSwap.One current market price is $0.00076675 with a 24 hour trading volume of $0. The total available supply of OpenSwap.One is 0 OPENX with a maximum supply of (Not Available) OPENX. It has secured Rank (Not Available) in the cryptocurrency market with a marketcap of $0. The OPENX price is -0.45% down in the last 24 hours.
The lowest price of the OpenSwap.One is $0.00070726 & the highest price is $0.00077024 in the last 24 hours. Live OpenSwap.One prices from all markets and OPENX coin market Capitalization. Stay up to date with the latest OpenSwap.One price movements. Check our coin stats data and see when there is an opportunity to buy or sell OpenSwap.One at best price in the market.
#(Not Available)
$-0 -0.45%
$0.00070726 / $0.00077024
$0 0%
(Not Available) OPENX
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OpenSwap is a DeFi protocol on the Harmony network with simple yield farming capabilities; cross-chain tools for bridging the Harmony, Ethereum,and Binance Smart Chain networks; and easy ways for users to trade, provide liquidity, and earn collected fees from transactions.OpenSwap takes the best from existing DeFi products (SushiSwap, Uniswap) and pairs with a fresh and innovative approach to the DeFi experience.Never before has the world of decentralized finance been simpler, more efficient, transparent, and accessible.OpenSwap leverages the simplicity, speed, and low transaction fees of the Harmony Blockchain with a first-of-a-kind approach to DeFi,aiming to be the best exchange in the Harmony ecosystem.Put Simply - OpenSwap is an entirely community-driven product on the Harmony Network that connects users with everything they needto invest, trade, earn passive income through staking, and bridge tokens across several different blockchains.OpenSwap is the first product of the Open Finance Project, which seeks to increase access to the world of DeFithrough powerful and easy-to-use tools while offering high rewards for liquidity providers.